
Lipotrim Maintenance is perfect for those of you that want to shed a few pounds or maintain your current weight after finishing the Lipotrim Pharmacy Programme.

PH Life stocks the low calorie Lipotrim Maintenance range which can be used in conjunction with your normal ‘healthy’ low fat meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The range is nutritious, low calorie with a special high soluble fibre content which is designed to help make you feel satisfied faster, so that you can eat smaller and lighter meals and gain control of your weight.  

Lipotrim Maintenance slows the absorption of sugars therefore lowering the glycaemic index… which helps to stop snacking as it reduces cravings for unnecessary food betweens meal times.

We recommend that in order to get the best from the Lipotrim Maintenance range that you eat or drink them before your normal meal.  This will help you reduce the amount that you want to eat, enabling you to eat a lighter meal or you can include these foods as part of your meal.

The range can also be used as snacks to eat between meals, to help reduce feelings of hunger.  People with a weight problem can benefit from using the range before both breakfast and lunch or if you don’t have a serious weight problem you may find that one a day is adequate.

The Lipotrim range comes in five fantastic flavours, there are two refreshing drinks, Summer Fruits and Orange Creme and adelicious Chocolate Whip Dessert.

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